Wednesday, 15 June 2011

So...what comes next.

So, this is it?

In just over a weeks time I will have graduated (hopefully not tripping up the stairs, but possibly) and will be standing in my gown in front of the caird hall posing for hundreds of photos, 'for the family'. I graduated with a shiny little 2:1 of which I am generally pretty pleased with . I am a fully fledged DoJ graduate don't you know.

But  errrrrr what now?..well firstly make the most of the lovely time I have left with my lovely lovely class as I notice we all seem to be going back to our normal home lives and well that is just a terrible shame.

So what did we do? Well a couple of us, of course, painted ourselves a delightful shade of blue and headed Revel Bound.

 The ECA famous Degree Show After Party is held in the grounds of ECA, this years theme being Under the Sea  (hence the blue paint). We partied the night away and for one night only forgot that our student youth has come to an end and that the real world beckons.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

General Chit Chat.

So it's all go go go  in the workshop at the moment....

Final year is rapidly coming to the end which is leaving our class highly on edge at times. The time is passing more rapidly day by day, hour by hour. How do we find the time? little hands are becoming tough and battered from long days in the workshop and my eyes are now feeling ever so slightly strained from long days focusing on small pieces of Jewellery.

But this is it. The end is nigh. I am going though days of  pure excitement which can quickly lead to fear. I have high hopes that are suddenly dashed in an instant, however this seems a common pattern with all DoJ students at the moment. This blog has been put to one side while I begin to build up my blog which is focusing solely on my degree show work, an online Sketchbook as it were.

I think it is time to stop procrastinating and to get back to the grind.

Degree show time is looming. *ah*

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Did you Snack Shack it?

 Did you miss out on our first ever  'Snack Shack'??

Shame on you.

Today you lost out on the chance to eat the glorious delights of home made soup and quiche You missed out on Savoury Cheese Twists, Sausage Rolls, Bola,Fritata and much much more.

Do not fret... after the success of today we are sure to have another 'Snack Shack' to help feed you up and raise funds for our ever looming Degree Show *gasp*

Handmade Bunting, made specially for the Snack Shack

Little tulips to brighten up your day as you come to feed.

Little cups of Jelly goodness.

Did someone say Snack Shack?

Don't miss out next time on our Yummy Food.

From all the Jewellers,
Happy Eating.

Sunday, 30 January 2011

Playing with Fire. More pictures.

Playing with Fire.

So today myself and a few other fellow DoJ Jewellers experienced  glass bead making which involved lots of glass, fire and a steady hand.

   It is something I never truly understood the complexitys of,the process in which one must follow in order to create really exciting glass work is magical to watch and learn. Helen, who in my eyes seems a Master of this skill managed to casually show us a multitude of bead making skills in her very own little 'glasswork workshop'.

   She also ever so kindly let us all have a go behind the flames (risky Helen, risky) teaching us new glass work skills, explaining how differing colours have different melting points and discussing how some glass has traces of silver and copper and therefore need to be used in a different manner from others. It was almost like the most colourful science lesson I have ever experienced.

Me trying to make tiny beads

   Learning and seeing new skillls like this will always excite an aspiring jeweller....although this may mean that we may all  head to Helens glass workshop more often now. Sorry Helen, we will get lost trying to find you again so you probably don't need to worry about that. haha.

   Helen currently has a little etsy shop set up selling glass beads and Jewellery that shes seems to be making more of daily. Also, Helen has an exciting blog which constantly teaches us all that little bit more about the possibilities of glass. You can find her blog here.

Thanks again Helen,

....oh and the Cocktails the night before weren't too bad either.  

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Friday, 14 January 2011

Must remember to blog.

Note to self. Blog misses you. Get Writing.

I will get back to blog writing asap.

Saturday, 8 January 2011

New Blog.For Degree show work!

Hello Hello.

It's not quite in perfect condition yet...... but but but here is the link to my  'other' blog. The one in which I will will only  put degree show thoughts.

Come Look. 

Friday, 7 January 2011

New Blog for DJCAD Degree Show.

I am in the midst of creating a blog that I will record work solely based for/towards or on, degree show work.

Keep a look out. I'll get on it soon. I promise.

It will be called,

........................... *drumroll*..............................

'The Diary of a Young Traveller.'
(a narrative project)

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Blog One of 2011. Happy New Year.

Hello Cows.

  Hello, first blog of 2011.

  So I have come to the conclusion, writing a blog is addictive. I used to think writing a blog seemed quite vain,risking talking on and on, and on and on all about yourself (you don't have too, but you can) but I think I'm now addicted. My mind is always thinking in Photographs and Blogs.
   For those of you who know me, will know I used to be one to slightly resent technology...I wanted to do things old school like write a letter rather than send an email, use film photogrpahy rather than digital.I claimed NEVER to want a smart phone (a phone is not a cameraaaaa!) and yet here I am failing to use the 'qwerty' touch screen keypad on my overly smart phone *gasp*. Oh how times have changed since this time last year,haha.

 Now that I know that my blog is one of the blogs to be featured on Dundee University  'What they say' page...

...I suddenly feel all this extra pressure to be more exciting or even use correct grammar  in my blogs (both of which are not my forte as since art school I can wholly admit my once acceptable english skills, have fallen by the wayside)
   However this blog is the first blog of 2011 and what better thing is there to discuss than the adventures I had celebrating NYE 2011.

    NYE adventures this year-an exciting adventure up north to the wintery depths of Ullapool and Leckmelm Wood. There, a few of us stayed in a beautiful log cabin (thankyou Merlin) drinking wine and whisky by the warm stove, sitting by the warm bonfire and venturing out in the woods to see the delights the North had brought us. We also ventured out on the 1st of January, were we went to listen to some beautiful Scottish Music,with friends.Perfect.

New Years Day, adventure through the wood.

Happy New Year one and all.