Friday, 22 October 2010


Scaffold vs castle.

The time is?

I wonder how it would feel to be alone up there.

 Camera Trials.
I should read the handbook but trial and error is much more spontaneous.

Tourist in Edinburgh.

So some of the Jewellers went on a small venture to Dovecot Studios just Wednesday past, we got lost but in the end made it to our destination and wandered around the Jerwood Contemporary Makers exhibition slightly confused/really tempted to play with the tyres? (Just me?) With such a broad scope in the term 'Contemporary Makers, ' we were met with a group of objects which personally I felt didn't seem to work well together. This could have been intentional but it has not been one of my favourite exhibitions of late, but it is always good to go and investigate.

However after a yummy lunch and then stufffing ourselves with yet more food barely half an hour after having our 'yummy lunch,' the Dundee kids started venturing back home, while like the  tourist that I appeared to be whipped out the new camera and got a little bit snap happy. It was difficult times doing this, it was very cold and I wanted to wear my mittens but then with the mits on I was unable to to 'click' the camera. So in the end I had to brace the cold for the sake of 'art'. 

While strolling along I saw this....

Put your best food forward.


Monday, 18 October 2010

Munich CutOut

little paper and masking tape collage

Pictures taken on my film Pentax. (Originally black and white.) 

Friday, 15 October 2010

1410 Still Frames.

So when I was a small, naive, first year, beginning the general course straight from school and right into the depths Duncan of Jordanstone I was adamant that Animation was for me.

 When I was much smaller I would somehow make Mother Connolly take her little daughter to university with her every now and again (this being DoJ-her being a fine art printmaker.)  She would sometimes manage to work her magic and there I would find myself in the animation studio watching little stop motion animation sets working away,  in miniature. It was magic and the only thing I wanted to do from a young age. So here 10-14years on from those days,I am a 4th year jeweller? Huh? I absolutely love my degree and was instantly sold into becoming a jeweller after seeing the jewellery workshop but the longing for animation/illustration still beckons. In a lecture recently we were asked to explain what our perfect day would be, say in 10 years-where do I expect/want to be? Truthfully  if all went to plan I would be an illustrator of children books, stories which  would then become adorable little childrens TV shows in Stop Motion Animation.I would make jewellery in my workshop by day and go out and take photographs by night, I would have an AGA cooker in a little cottage just out of town with a dog( a springer) and I would be happy happy happy. I want to be able to see programmes on the TV like The Clangers or Parsley the Lion and the Herbs?

...and this is why I am am going to try and attempt to use some stop motion animation as a way of both exploring and explaining my Degree show work. A digital sketchbook, but a piece of art/narrative in its' own right...almost.................................................... Travels

So here I am practising away on different stop motion sites playing about having a jolly good time, using my own personal tiny clanger as a prop (knitted by Audrey).

Fun Stuff.

Hello Tiny Clanger
 I am almost sure I will have blogs in the future talking of the disasterous time I am having and I admit now it may work or it may not but I am sure going to give a go.

Friday, 1 October 2010

Christening the Camera.

New Camera.

First Photo
Yes,it is a flower...but it was the first thing I saw to photograph.
 Many pictures for years to come.

Must learn what all the settings do.

Picture no.1-The start of good things to come.