Sunday, 19 December 2010

'Our Famous Christmas Sale.'


Boxed and awaiting a sale.
     So the Jewellery sale has been and gone. We tried our best to raffle, to sell and to make on demand all week, but now we wait to find out the final total.

    But what a week it has been, we found great insight in watching what people are drawn to-the price range  and who are customers were buying for. This sale was a great opportunity to people watch,we need to observe things like this as soon we will be graduates left to fend for ourselves. How do we sell?

   Some students made pieces which may hold some similarity to their degree show work,which was exciting to see and makes me wonder what progression their work will take.However, I did not, I strangely went for Kitsch. Think tea for two and cup cakes, yes that was me. Making pieces with a lighthearted nature was both enjoyable and lead me to become slightly more playful with my work.Anyone for a ring with a tiny silver teacup perched on top? I think I am a bit of a romantic...oh wait it is apparent after this sale that I am.

  I hope the sale went well for all the jewellers and for any pieces not sold (of mine) I am planning on keeping them all.A present  to myself for working so hard. haha.

Hello Tiny Teacup.

    I have recently been told I should try and bring flamingos back into fashion?

'It's the way they stand?'

   So maybe our pink friends could be my next  'keeping it kitsch' venture. .

Merry Christmas Everyone,
(and a mulled wine fuelled New Year).

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